Added Checks to the vCheck for Horizon View

Starting this year I decided to really restart working on the vCheck for Horizon. I had several requests for RDS checks & Active directory plus I really wanted to get rid of everything related to the vmware.hv.helper module to make using it a little easier.

Just like the pools I pull the farms in the connection plugin so these can be used from other plugins.

# --- Get Desktop pools
$poolqueryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$pooldefn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$poolqueryResults = $poolqueryService.QueryService_Create($Services1, $pooldefn)
$pools = foreach ($poolresult in $poolqueryResults.results){$services1.desktop.desktop_get($}

# --- Get RDS Farms

$Farmqueryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$Farmdefn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$FarmqueryResults = $FarmqueryService.QueryService_Create($Services1, $Farmdefn)
$farms = foreach ($farmresult in $farmqueryResults.results){$$}

# ---- Remove queries

The deleteall() for the queries needs to be added to clean things up, otherwise you will run out of queries pdq. The RDS plugins I created are visible down below.

Also an AD check was added

The vCenter api call was split into three checks for vCenter itself, ESXi and datastores.

Besides these I have also added a saml check (tested by Aresh Sarkari, thank you!) and truesso checks (don’t have it in my lab so can’t test).

If you want an example of the vCheck that can be found HERE.

My #VMworld presentations @vbrownbag and @vmwarecode

Time flies when you’re having fun and it’s already been over two weeks since I came back from VMworld 2018 in Las Vegas. I just thought of the fact that I promised some people to post my presentations. While they kept looping on the provided mac’s they don’t do that on a windows system, or at least for me.

This is the link to the vBrownbag Presentation

and the video

This is the link to the VMware {Code} presentation

And the video


New View API query services in PowerCLI 10.1.1: pulling event information without the sql password.

A while back I already posted about new services that where available for the View API’s in PowerCLI 10.1.1. Recently the api explorer for this version was published and can be found here. Two things that I didn’t find back then was the addition of two services for the query service. The first is GlobalApplicationEntitlementInfo this one can be compared to the previously already available GlobalEntitlementSummaryView and will return information about global entitlements.

The second added services is extremely useful: you can now query the event database. This means you don’t need the actual sql password anymore to query the events. According to the api explorer at least Horizon 7.3 is required and only events from the Event and Event_Data database tables. A simple query will show all events.

$queryservice=new-object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceservice
$defn=new-object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$defn.queryEntityType = 'EventSummaryView'

As you can see the data is divided in data and namesdata properties, these contain the same data as what is returned with get-hvevent. I added some selections to show only one event.

$results | where {$ -like "*BROKER_USERLOGGEDIN*"}  | select -last 1 | select -expandproperty data


$results | where {$ -like "*BROKER_USERLOGGEDIN*"}  | select -last 1 | select -expandproperty namesdata

Offcourse it;s better to use filtering from the query directly. The full lust for that is available from the api explorer but I will give a couple of examples. (be aware that membername and the value are case sensitive)

$queryservice=new-object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceservice
$defn=new-object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$defn.queryEntityType = 'EventSummaryView'
$equalsFilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
($queryservice.QueryService_Query($services1,$defn)) | select -last 1

Or by severity

$queryservice=new-object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceservice
$defn=new-object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$defn.queryEntityType = 'EventSummaryView'
$equalsFilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
($queryservice.QueryService_Query($services1,$defn)) | select -last 1

As said it can be filtered on other properties as well but that might require some more logic to get the userid or desktopid for example. This is a very useful addition in my opinion to the Horizon View api’s.

My presentation at the vEUCtechcon 2018

Yesterday it was clear for me that more people are interested in what Dutch secret agents have to do with airwatch/workspace one uem then with PowerCLi for Horizon View. Nonetheless there where some people listening to my presentation and watching the ginormous slide deck filled with gif’s that I created. My personal experience was that it went ok but nothing more than that. Sadly using the vga cable didn’t help against the connection bugs all presenters where having during the entire day. Also I would have preferred to have a monitor in front of me so I could actually hear myself talking in that big room. Personal points for next time: I had a good storyline in my head in advance, that didn’t come out at all. Also I need to channel my personal energy onto stage, I have the feeling that wasn’t really visible. Aka I need to do some more energetic storytelling.

For the people interesting in the presentation it can be found HERE. There’s a video recorded that I will add to this post when it gets published. Luckily there where also a couple of tweets about my sessions so we do already have some pictures.

New Horizon API calls in PowerCLI 10.1.1

VMware quietly released a new version of PowerCLI last week: 10.1.1. This release is mainly an update for the Horizon View API’s. This to bring it back on level with the current Horizon release at 7.5. The release notes are not very extensive but it has a fix for some people getting time-outs when connecting to a Connection server  plus a bunch of new api calls.

I have dumped the output from the available api calls into two text files and made a comparison:

Since there’s no update yet in the API explorer I will have to make an educated guess on what the functions do:


When looking at the available method’s for this call it looks like it has everything to do with Desktop task. But it also can’t do a damn thing without an vmware.hv.desktoptaskid. This will most probably bu retrievable using a query. This is something I will further investigate in the future.


To be honest I have no idea yet what this one does. I have tried created a VMware.Hv.DiagOperationRequest and tried to send it but got an error that no message queue handler was found. This might be something from Horizon 7.5 since I haven’t updated my lab yet.


This one is easy, it creates, deletes, gets and lists remote access users. You can expect a function for this in the near future since it looks easy to build.


According to my sources this is a SSO token between the flex and html5 clients.


This obviously is created to pull logon timing as the name suggests. I have put a session ID in a variable but sadly the data is not usable from PowerCLI. WHat it seems to be is the api call the Helpdesk client uses to pull the logon time. I didn’t have the timing profiler turned on initially and neither the helpdesk tool or this call gave my any information. Disconnected sessions also don’t give any information and when reconnected it gives the reconnection time not the initial logontime for when the session started. This is the same behaviour as the helpdesk tool.

Apparently the output is in a json format and for now I doubt if it will be usable in a function.

While the session itself has this information.


No idea yet why there is a networkproxy configuration in here.


This gets some performance data using a session id as also visible in the helpdesk tool.


Gives per session information on the Skype 4 Business pairing mode.


100% sure related to the remote assistance function in the helpdesk tool.


Looks like this one gets some information from a query and then kills the process, will have to dig into it some further later on. This for sure is a function in the helpdesk tool.


Again from the helpdesktool, this gives the client version of a session.


For now I only see the DesktopTask and GatewayAccessUserOrGroup ending up in a function in the vmware.hv.helper. The first one will need some digging on how it exactly works but it has the looks of a usable call. The latter on can be in there pretty fast if I find the time to do so. The other ones



Already received some extra information about some calls.

New experimental functions for the vmware.hv.helper on github

While working on my presentation for the 2nd vEUCtechcon event in Utrecht (The Netherlands) on may 28th I have added a list of new functions to the vmware.hv.helper module. While I haven’t had the time yet to clean them up to be proper coded scripts I have decided to already publish them on Github. All of them work but might be missing a feature or two and almost all of them are get-hv* or new-hv* type functions. Since the presentation is all about building an environment I have decided to build the remove parts later on. You might have already seen some screenshots on twitter recently:

Added functions that are not in the official module yet:

  • register-hvvirtualcenter
  • set-hveventdatabase
  • set-hvlicense
  • get-hvlicense
  • new-hvinstantcloneadministrator
  • New-HVRole
  • Get-HVRole
  • Get-HVpermission
  • New-HVPermission
  • Get-HVVirtualcenter
  • Get-HVInstantCloneAdministrator
  • Get-HVPod
  • Set-HVPod
  • Get-HVHomeSite
  • New-HVHomeSite


Registering an Instantclone administrator using PowerCLI

Another question Sean Massey asked me if it is possible to register an instant clone domain administrator. This is possible using the instantcloneenginedomainadministrator service with the InstantCloneEngineDomainAdministrator_create method. This needs a spec with the following content:

  • spec (vmware.hv.InstantCloneEngineDomainAdministratorSpec)
    • base (vmware.hv.InstantCloneEngineDomainAdministratorBase)
      • username (string)
      • domain (domainid)
      • password(vmware.hv.securestring)

The password can be created using the same scriptlet I used to register a new vCenter server. The domain ID can actually be gotten by listing all domains using


For now I have created a scripts that requires you to give some details so it can register the instant clone domain administrator. It can also be found on Github but I will also definitively add it to the vmware.hv.helper module.

$icausername=read-host "What username to use for instantclone administrator?"
$icadomain=read-host "please give the dns name for the domain to user (i.e."
$icapassword=read-host "vCenter User password?" -assecurestring
$temppw = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($icaPassword)
$PlainicaPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($temppw)
$icadminPassword = New-Object VMware.Hv.SecureString
$enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$icadminPassword.Utf8String = $enc.GetBytes($PlainicaPassword)
$spec=new-object vmware.hv.InstantCloneEngineDomainAdministratorSpec
$spec.base=new-object vmware.hv.InstantCloneEngineDomainAdministratorBase
$spec.base.domain=(($services1.ADDomain.addomain_list() | where {$_.DnsName -eq $icadomain} | select-object -first 1).id)

Pulling horizon session information using PowerCLI

I should’ve already posted a blog about this but better late then never. At the end of february I posted about several new functions being added to the vmware.hv.helper and two out of three where about pulling session information. Recently I received some questions about using those since it’s the raw data being returned. For my Dutch vmug presentation I used several gif’s that showed what you can do with that data. I might need to update the cmdlets so all information will be shown at once but that’s for another time since it might slow down the cmdlet a lot and I don’t like that.


Since get-hvglobalsession and get-hvlocalsession show almost similar data I will only show the latter one.


As you see this only shows the methods contained inside the session. We can show the content by pipelining it to  select-object -expandproperty but I prefer the bracket method since these might go several layers deep.


Some of the returned values are logical like the username, machineorrdsservername. The desktop name though is the actual desktop pool the user is connected to. Desktoptype can be Automated, Manual or RDS depending on the type of desktop and Desktopsource can be Virtual_Center (VM’s hosted on vCenter but not managed by Horizon or Full Clone desktops), View_Composer(when using Linked Clones), Instant_Clone_engine (when using Instant Clones), Unmanaged (physical machines, non-vCenter vm’s) or RDS (Terminal Servers). Farmname will be used when it’s an RDS session. The Securitygateway will show the Connection Server the user connected to or the UAG/Security server used.

the same can be done with referencedata and sessiondata


Not a lot of directly usefull information but a bunch of id’s that you might be able to use with the api’s if needed.

A lot of information about the session itself.

The actual code

The get-hvglobalsession actually is a query repeated for all pods. First it connects to the query service and then creates a query to run against each pod and add that to a sessionlist.

$query_service_helper = New-Object VMware.Hv.GlobalSessionQueryServiceService
$query=new-object vmware.hv.GlobalSessionQueryServiceQuerySpec

$SessionList = @()
foreach ($pod in $services.Pod.Pod_List()) {
  $queryResults = $query_service_helper.GlobalSessionQueryService_QueryWithSpec($services, $query)
  $GetNext = $false
  do {
    if ($GetNext) { $queryResults = $query_service_helper.GlobalSessionQueryService_GetNext($services, $ }
    $SessionList += $queryResults.results
    $GetNext = $true
  } while ($queryResults.remainingCount -gt 0)
    $query_service_helper.GlobalSessionQueryService_Delete($services, $

return $sessionlist

The get-hvlocalsession is almost the same, it just doesn’t need to foreach since it doesn’t have multiple pods to query.

 $query_service_helper = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
  $query = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition

  $query.queryEntityType = 'SessionLocalSummaryView'
  $SessionList = @()
  $GetNext = $false
  $queryResults = $query_service_helper.QueryService_Create($services, $query)
  do {
    if ($GetNext) { $queryResults = $query_service_helper.QueryService_GetNext($services, $ }
    $SessionList += $queryResults.results
    $GetNext = $true
  while ($queryResults.remainingCount -gt 0)
    $query_service_helper.QueryService_Delete($services, $

  return $sessionlist

In both there is a do while because otherwise it will run into some restrictions about maximum amount of data to return.

The VMware Labs flings monthly for April 2018

It’s been a rather quiet month on the VMware flings front. No wonder with the vSphere 6.7 and other releases this month. Did you already test them? I have to say like vSphere 6.7 but it’s consider the numbering good as well, it wouldn’t have fit to be a 7.* release. One new fling with the PowerCLI for NSX-T Preview, two updated ones with the vSphere HTML5 Web Client and Cross vCenter VM Mobility – CLI. Another fling has gone GA in vSphere 6.7: VMFork for pyVmomi.

[sta_anchor id=”nsxtpowercli” unsan=”NSXTPowerCLI” /]

PowerCLI Preview for NSX-T

The one thing lacking for NSX-T was PowerCLI availability, this is solved with the release of the PowerCLI Preview for NSX-T fling. Please be aware that the fling still contains bugs and might even be considered an alpha release.

[sta_anchor id=”xvcvm” /]

Cross vCenter VM Mobility – CLI

Cross vCenter VM Mobility – CLI is the go to tool when you want to move vm’s between vCenter servers and don’t want to use the GUI fling. The versioning is a bit weird since we already had 1.6 and now they released 1.6.0.

Version 1.6.0

  • Relocate is failing with validation error “cln is missing”.

[sta_anchor id=”html5″ /]

vSphere HTML5 Web Client

Not sure what exact version of the html5 web client went into the vSphere 6.7 release but here you can find an overview of the functionality, don’t mind the url because the text clearly states it’s for 6.7. If you want an even more updated version or want to get used to it in vSphere 6.* then use the fling.

Fling 3.37 – Build 8313530

New Features

  • Add VM vApp option properties read-only view
  • SRIOV networking in clone wizard customize HW page


  • Prevent the user from creating a GOSc spec with no specified timezone
  • Resize the migrate wizard to use the largest possible size based on VMware Clarity design standards

Bug Fixes

  • Drag and Drop VM to folder



Added functions in vmware.hv.helper

Last Saturday I created a pull request to add some new functionality to the VMware.hv.helper. Together with an older PR that was still open it received an okay on Sunday. This is a list of the functionality I have added:

  • Get-HVHealth
    • Shows the health information for the following services:
      • ADDomain
      • CertificateSSOConnector
      • ConnectionServer,EventDatabase
      • SAMLAuthenticator
      • SecurityServer
      • ViewComposer
      • VirtualCenter
      • Pod
  • new-hvpodfederation
    • Initiates the Cloud Pod Architecture.
  • remove-hvpodfederation
    • Uninitiates the Cloud Pod Architecture.
  • get-hvpodfederation
    • Shows information about the Cloud Pod Architecture.
  • register-hvpod
    • Registers a new pod in the Cloud Pod Architecture.
  • unregister-hvpod
    • Removes a pod from the Cloud Pod Architecture. This can either be gracefully or forced.
  • set-hvpodfederation
    • Sets the name of the Cloud Pod Architecture.
  • get-hvsite
    • Retrieves information about all sites in the Cloud Pod Architecture.
  • new-hvsite
    • Creates a new site in the Cloud Pod Architecture.
  • set-hvsite
    • Sets site properties within the Cloud Pod Architecture.
  • remove-hvsite
    • Removes a site from the Cloud Pod Architecture.

The next functionality on my list is to put the pod service methods from this previous post into functions.