Managing Pods in a Horizon View Cloud Pod Environment using PowerCLI & Api’s

After Pod Federations and Sites it is time to manage the actual pods. Let’s take a look at what we can do.

$services1.pod | gm

Looks like a short post to me since there’s onl Get, List and Update

[sta_anchor id=”get” unsan=”Get” /]


Just like with site’s the get can be used in conjunction with a podid that might be gotten from somewhere else

$services1.pod.pod_get((($ | select -first 1))

This selects the first podid listed when pulling all the pods from all sites and gets the information about that pod. We’ll see the same information when doing a list but just with all pod’s listed.

[sta_anchor id=”list” unsan=”List” /]



Those endpoints are the connection servers in the pod. Let’s take a short detour and get the listing for one of those (the podendpoint service only has list and get so you will not see them separately anyway).

$services1.PodEndpoint.PodEndpoint_Get((($services1.pod.pod_list() | select -first 1).endpoints | select -first 1))

It might look lazy to use the select -first one and yes it is a bit but doing  a foreach to explain things also doesn’t really work in my opinion.

[sta_anchor id=”update” unsan=”Update” /]


Standard by now, first we need to connect to the podservice.

$podservice=new-object vmware.hv.podservice
$podhelper=$$services1, ($services1.pod.pod_list() | select -first 1).id)

Under $podhelper we can already see how to set things.

$podhelper | gm

Let’s update  the easy things.

$podhelper.setdescription("This is a new description")
$podhelper.setDisplayName("This is a new name")
$podservice.update($services1, $podhelper)

As a result we have updated the name and description of the pod. The other thing we can do is assign the pod to another site. Thankfully I already have two of those created.

$siteid=$ | select -first 1

$podservice.update($services1, $podhelper)

Both the lists aren’t required but I added them to show that the pods are spread over both pods now.


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