Script to cleanup desktops running on old snapshot

So last year Guy Leech asked if if I had a script to identify machines running on an old snapshot. I Created a script for that here. This week Madan Kumar asked for a script that finds these same VDI desktops but that also cleans them out if needed. For this I have created the Horizon_cleanup_old_images.ps1 script (yes I suck at making up names).

If you run a get-help for the script you’ll see this:

By default the script only requires a Connectionserverfqdn and poolname as it works on a per pool level. It will try to give the users a gracefully logoff and has options to force the logoff ( in case their sessions is locked) or to delete the machine. And if you just want to have a preview there’s an option for that as well.

Optional arguments are:

-credential: this can be created with get-credential or can be retrieved from a stored credentials xml file, just make sure that it looks like domain\username and password

-deletedesktops: if used it will forcefully try to logoff the users but always deletes the desktop

-forcedlogoff: A normal logoff doesn’t work when the sessions is locked so you might need to force it

-preview: no actions are taken, just the information will be displayed to screen.

Let’s use the script

d:\git\scripts\Horizon_cleanup_old_image.ps1 -Credential $creds -ConnectionServerFQDN -poolname "Pod02-Pool02" -preview

Yes I use write-host but it’s all 1 liners so shouldn’t be too slow and I like colors but as you see with the preview mode it shows what would happen. One of these sessions is locked so let’s see what happens when I log them off.

yes an error but I think it’s clear why, the graceful logoff worked for 2 users but not the third one, I will add the forced option now.

That looks good and when I look at the desktop pool everything is fine there as well.

And that’s being confirmed by the script

Now I will use the delete option for my other desktop pool.

First again with the preview option

and without

and seen from the Horizon Admin

As linked above the script can be found on github but also below this line.

    Cleans up desktops running on an image that's not the default for a desktop pool

    This script uses the Horizon soap api's to pull data about machines inside a desktop pool that are running on a snapshot or base vm that's not currently configiured on the desktop pool. By default it logs off the users but there are options to forcefully logoff the user or delete the machines.

    .\Horizon_cleanup_old_image.ps1 -Credential $creds -ConnectionServerFQDN -poolname "Pod02 Pool02" -delete -preview

    .PARAMETER Credential
    Mandatory: Yes
    Type: PSCredential
    Object with credentials for the connection server with domain\username and password

    .PARAMETER ConnectionServerFQDN
    Mandatory: No
    Default: String
    FQDN of the connection server to connect to

    .PARAMETER Poolname
    Mandatory: Yes
    Type: string
    Display name of the Desktop Pool to check

    .PARAMETER Deletedesktops
    Mandatory: No
    Enables the deleteion of the desktops, this includes an attempt to forcefully logoff the users.

    .PARAMETER Forcedlogoff
    Mandatory: No
    Enables the forcefully logging off of the users.

    .PARAMETER Preview
    Mandatory: No
    Makes the script run in preview mode and not undertake any actions.

    Created by: Wouter Kursten
    First version: 27-06-2021

    VMWare PowerCLI


param (
    HelpMessage='Credential object as domain\username with password' )]
    [PSCredential] $Credential,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage='FQDN of the connectionserver' )]
    [string] $ConnectionServerFQDN,

    [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    HelpMessage = "Display Name of the desktop pool to logoff the users.")]
    [string]$poolname = $false,

    HelpMessage='Deletes the desktops instead of forcing the logoff' )]
    [switch] $deletedesktops,

    HelpMessage='Gives a preview only, no action will be undertaken.' )]
    [switch] $preview,

    HelpMessage='Forcefully logs off the users in case the desktop is locked or disconnected.' )]
    [switch] $forcedlogoff

    $creds = $credential
    $creds = get-credential

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Preview info
    write-host "Running in preview mode no actions will be taken" -foregroundcolor Magenta

 # Loading powercli modules
 Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView
 Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core

$hvserver1=connect-hvserver $ConnectionServerFQDN -credential $creds
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

# --- Get Services for interacting with the Horizon API Service ---
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

# --- Get Desktop pool
$poolqueryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$pooldefn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$pooldefn.Filter= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'MemberName'='desktopSummaryData.displayName'; 'value'=$poolname}
    $poolqueryResults = $poolqueryService.QueryService_Create($Services1, $pooldefn) 
    $results = $poolqueryResults.results
    write-error "There was an error retreiving details for $poolname"

# we need more details of the pool though and check if we even got one
if($results.count -eq 1){
    $pool = $Services1.Desktop.Desktop_Get($
    write-host "No pool found with name $poolname" -foregroundcolor Red

# Search for machine details
$queryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$defn.filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -Property @{ 'memberName' = ''; 'value' = $ }
[array]$queryResults = $queryService.QueryService_Create($Services1, $defn)
# Process the results
if ($queryResults.results.count -ge 1){
    [array]$wrongsnaps=$poolmachines | where-object {$_.managedmachinedetailsdata.baseimagesnapshotpath -notlike  $pool.automateddesktopdata.VirtualCenternamesdata.snapshotpath -OR $_.managedmachinedetailsdata.baseimagepath -notlike $pool.automateddesktopdata.VirtualCenternamesdata.parentvmpath}
    # If there are desktops on a wrong snapsot we need to do something with that info
    if($wrongsnaps.count -ge 1){
            write-host "Removing:" $ -foregroundcolor yellow
            $deletespec = new-object vmware.hv.machinedeletespec
            $deletespec.DeleteFromDisk = $true
            $deletespec.ForceLogoffSession = $true
                $Services1.Machine.Machine_DeleteMachines($, $deletespec)
            write-host "Logging users off from:" $ -foregroundcolor yellow
            [array]$sessiondata = $wrongsnaps.sessiondata
            write-host "Users being logged off are:" $sessiondata.username -foregroundcolor yellow
                    write-host "Forcefully logging off users" -foregroundcolor yellow
                    write-host "Gracefully logging off users" -foregroundcolor yellow
        write-host "No machines found on a wrong snapshot" -foregroundcolor Green
    write-host "No machines found in $poolname" -foregroundcolor red


Powercli script to assign a dedicated Horizon machine to multiple users

Yesterday Robin Stolpe again reached out that he was having issues assigning multiple accounts to the same dedicated machine. He couldn’t get this running with the vmware.hv.helper and looking that with how it is implemented now it will probably never work. I decided to put together some of the functions I have used for ControlUp script based actions and some of my other work to put together the following script (that can be found on Github here.)

    HelpMessage='Enter a username' )]
    [string] $Username,

    HelpMessage='Domain i.e. loft.lab' )]
    [string] $Domain,

    HelpMessage='Password in plain text' )]
    [string] $Password,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage='FQDN of the connectionserver' )]
    [string] $ConnectionServerFQDN,

    HelpMessage='Path to credentials xml file' )]
    [string] $Credentialfile,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,  HelpMessage='username of the user to logoff (domain\user i.e. loft.lab\user1')]
    [string[]] $TargetUsers,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Name of the desktop pool the machine belongs to')]
  [string] $TargetPool,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='dns name of the machine the user is on i.d.')]
  [string] $TargetMachine,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='domain for the target users')]
  [string] $TargetDomain

if($Credentialfile -and ((test-path $Credentialfile) -eq $true)){
        write-host "Using credentialsfile"
        $credentials=Import-Clixml $Credentialfile
        $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secpw)
        $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
        write-error -Message "Error importing credentials"
elseif($Credentials -and ((test-path $credentials) -eq $false)){
    write-error "Invalid Path to credentials file"
elseif($username -and $Domain -and $Password){
    write-host "Using separate credentials"

function Get-HVDesktopPool {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "Displayname of the Desktop Pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]
    # Try to get the Desktop pools in this pod
    try {
        # create the service object first
        [VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService]$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
        # Create the object with the definiton of what to query
        [VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition]$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
        # entity type to query
        $defn.queryEntityType = 'DesktopSummaryView'
        # Filter on the correct displayname
        $defn.Filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='desktopSummaryData.displayName'; 'value' = "$HVPoolname"}
        # Perform the actual query
        [array]$queryResults= ($queryService.queryService_create($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $defn)).results
        # Remove the query
        # Return the results
        if (!$queryResults){
            write-host "Can't find $HVPoolName, exiting."
        else {
            return $queryResults
    catch {
        write-host 'There was a problem retreiving the Horizon View Desktop Pool.'

function Get-HVDesktopMachine {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "ID of the Desktop Pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "Name of the Desktop machine.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]

    try {
        # create the service object first
        [VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService]$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
        # Create the object with the definiton of what to query
        [VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition]$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
        # entity type to query
        $defn.queryEntityType = 'MachineDetailsView'
        # Filter so we get the correct machine in the correct pool
        $poolfilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'=''; 'value' = $HVPoolID}
        $machinefilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'=''; 'value' = "$HVMachineName"}
        $filterlist = @()
        $filterlist += $poolfilter
        $filterlist += $machinefilter
        $filterAnd = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterAnd
        $filterAnd.Filters = $filterlist
        $defn.Filter = $filterAnd
        # Perform the actual query
        [array]$queryResults= ($queryService.queryService_create($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $defn)).results
        # Remove the query
        # Return the results
        if (!$queryResults){
            write-host "Can't find $HVPoolName, exiting."
            return $queryResults
    catch {
        write-host 'There was a problem retreiving the Horizon View Desktop Pool.'

function Get-HVUser {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "User loginname..")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "Name of the Domain.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]

    try {
        # create the service object first
        [VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService]$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
        # Create the object with the definiton of what to query
        [VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition]$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
        # entity type to query
        $defn.queryEntityType = 'ADUserOrGroupSummaryView'
        # Filter to get the correct user
        $userloginnamefilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='base.loginName'; 'value' = $HVUserLoginName}
        $domainfilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='base.domain'; 'value' = "$HVDomain"}
        $filterlist = @()
        $filterlist += $userloginnamefilter
        $filterlist += $domainfilter
        $filterAnd = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterAnd
        $filterAnd.Filters = $filterlist
        $defn.Filter = $filterAnd
        # Perform the actual query
        [array]$queryResults= ($queryService.queryService_create($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $defn)).results
        # Remove the query
        # Return the results
        if (!$queryResults){
            write-host "Can't find user $HVUserLoginName in domain $HVDomain, exiting."
        else {
            return $queryResults
    catch {
        write-host 'There was a problem retreiving the user.'

$hvserver1=connect-hvserver $ConnectionServerFQDN -user $username -domain $domain -password $password
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

$desktop_pool=Get-HVDesktopPool -hvpoolname $TargetPool -HVConnectionServer $hvserver1


$machine = get-hvdesktopmachine -HVConnectionServer $hvserver1 -HVMachineName $TargetMachine -HVPoolID $poolid
$machineid = $

foreach ($targetuser in $TargetUsers){
    $user = Get-HVUser -HVConnectionServer $hvserver1 -hvdomain $TargetDomain -HVUserLoginName $targetUser

$Services1.Machine.Machine_assignUsers($machineid, $useridlist)

So first I have 3 functions to get the Pool, the machine and users. With a foreach on the $Targetusers list I create a list of the userid’s that is required to use for the Machine_assignUsers function of the machine service.

Powercli script to (forcefully) log off Horizon users

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away I wrote this blog post to log a user off from their vdi session. Today I got an inquiry from Robin Stolpe that he was trying to make it a script with arguments instead if the menu’s but was having some issues with that. This gave me the chance to make it a bit nicer of a script with the option to user username/domain/password as credentials but also a credentialfile , optional forcefully logging off the users and with Robin’s requirements of being able to provide the exact username and the machine that user is working on.

The script can be ran like this:

D:\GIT\Scripts\logoff_user.ps1 -Credentialfile "D:\homelab\creds.xml" -TargetUser "loft.lab\m_wouter" -TargetMachine "" -ConnectionServerFQDN

or with credentials and the -force parameter

D:\GIT\Scripts\logoff_user.ps1 -TargetUser "loft.lab\m_wouter" -TargetMachine "" -ConnectionServerFQDN -Username m_wouter -domain loft.lab -password "HAHAHAHA" -force

Now let’s have a look how the script is build.

So I started with the parameters and for that I included 2 parameter sets so you can either choose to have the separate credentials or to use a credentials file.

    HelpMessage='Enter a username' )]
    [string] $Username,

    HelpMessage='Domain i.e. loft.lab' )]
    [string] $Domain,

    HelpMessage='Password in plain text' )]
    [string] $Password,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage='FQDN of the connectionserver' )]
    [string] $ConnectionServerFQDN,

    HelpMessage='Path to credentials xml file' )]
    [string] $Credentialfile,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Synchronise the local site only' )]
    [switch] $Force,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,  HelpMessage='username of the user to logoff (domain\user i.e. loft.lab\user1')]
    [string] $TargetUser,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='dns name of the machine the user is on i.d.')]
  [string] $TargetMachine

Than I check if a credential file was supplied and if I can actually import it

if($Credentialfile -and ((test-path $Credentialfile) -eq $true)){
        write-host "Using credentialsfile"
        $credentials=Import-Clixml $Credentialfile
        $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secpw)
        $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
        write-error -Message "Error importing credentials"
elseif($Credentials -and ((test-path $credentials) -eq $false)){
    write-error "Invalid Path to credentials file"
elseif($username -and $Domain -and $Password){
    write-host "Using separate credentials"

The file doesn’t exist:

Or an error importing the xml (duh, what do you think what happoens when you use a json instead of xml, fool!)

Then it’s a matter of logging in, performing a query and checking if there’s really a session for this user. As you can see I am using machineOrRDSServerDNS so it should also work for RDS sessions.

$hvserver1=connect-hvserver $ConnectionServerFQDN -user $username -domain $domain -password $password
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
$sessionfilterspec = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$sessionfilterspec.queryEntityType = 'SessionLocalSummaryView'
$sessionfilter1= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
$sessionfilter2= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
$sessionfilter=new-object vmware.hv.QueryFilterAnd
$sessionfilter.filters=@($sessionfilter1, $sessionfilter2)
$session=($queryService.QueryService_Create($Services1, $sessionfilterspec)).results
if($session.count -eq 0){
    write-host "No session found for $targetuser on $targetmachine"

And last but not least logging the user of with or without the -force option

    write-host "Forcefully logging off $targetUser from $targetmachine"
    write-host "Logging off $targetUser from $targetmachine"
        write-error "error logging the user off, maybe the sessions was locked. Try with -force"

This session was locked

So let’s force that thing

And here’s the entire script but you can also find it on my github.

    HelpMessage='Enter a username' )]
    [string] $Username,

    HelpMessage='Domain i.e. loft.lab' )]
    [string] $Domain,

    HelpMessage='Password in plain text' )]
    [string] $Password,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage='FQDN of the connectionserver' )]
    [string] $ConnectionServerFQDN,

    HelpMessage='Path to credentials xml file' )]
    [string] $Credentialfile,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Synchronise the local site only' )]
    [switch] $Force,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,  HelpMessage='username of the user to logoff (domain\user i.e. loft.lab\user1')]
    [string] $TargetUser,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='dns name of the machine the user is on i.d.')]
  [string] $TargetMachine

if($Credentialfile -and ((test-path $Credentialfile) -eq $true)){
        write-host "Using credentialsfile"
        $credentials=Import-Clixml $Credentialfile
        $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secpw)
        $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
        write-error -Message "Error importing credentials"
elseif($Credentials -and ((test-path $credentials) -eq $false)){
    write-error "Invalid Path to credentials file"
elseif($username -and $Domain -and $Password){
    write-host "Using separate credentials"

$hvserver1=connect-hvserver $ConnectionServerFQDN -user $username -domain $domain -password $password
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
$sessionfilterspec = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$sessionfilterspec.queryEntityType = 'SessionLocalSummaryView'
$sessionfilter1= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
$sessionfilter2= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
$sessionfilter=new-object vmware.hv.QueryFilterAnd
$sessionfilter.filters=@($sessionfilter1, $sessionfilter2)
$session=($queryService.QueryService_Create($Services1, $sessionfilterspec)).results
if($session.count -eq 0){
    write-host "No session found for $targetuser on $targetmachine"

    write-host "Forcefully logging off $targetUser from $targetmachine"
    write-host "Logging off $targetUser from $targetmachine"
        write-error "error logging the user off, maybe the sessions was locked. Try with -force"

Pushing a new image using the VMware Horizon Python Module

One of the REST api calls that where added for Horizon 8 2012 was the ability to push images to Desktop Pools (sadly not for farms yet). This week I added that functionality to the VMware Horizon Python Module. Looking at the swagger UI these are the needed arguments:

So the source can be either the streams from Horizon Cloud or a regular vm/snapshot combo. For the time you will need to use some moment in epoch. The optional items for adding the virtual tpm, stop on error I have set the default for what they are listed. As logoff policy I have chosen to set a default in WAIT_FOR_LOGOFF.

For this blog posts I have to go with the vm/snapshot combo as I don’t have streams setup at the moment. First I need to connect:

import requests, getpass, urllib, json, operator, numpy, time
import vmware_horizon

username = input("Username\n")
domain = input("Domain\n")
pw = getpass.getpass()

hvconnectionobj = vmware_horizon.Connection(username = username,domain = domain,password = pw,url = url)

Than I open the ports for the classes I will be using

monitor = obj=vmware_horizon.Monitor(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)
external=vmware_horizon.External(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)
inventory=vmware_horizon.Inventory(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)

Now let’s look at what the desktop_pool_push_image method needs

First I will grab the correct desktop pool, I will use Pod02-Pool02 this time. There are several ways to get the correct pool but I have chosen to use this one.

desktop_pool = next(item for item in desktop_pools if item["name"] == "Pod02-Pool02")

To get the VM and Snapshots I first need to get the vCenter and datacenter id’s

vcenters = monitor.virtual_centers()
vcid = vcenters[0]["id"]
dcs = external.get_datacenters(vcenter_id=vcid)
dcid = dcs[0]["id"]

I created a new golden image last Friday and it has this name: W10-L-2021-03-19-17-27 so I need to get the compatible base vm’s and get the id for this one

base_vms = external.get_base_vms(vcenter_id=vcid,datacenter_id=dcid,filter_incompatible_vms=True)
base_vm = next(item for item in base_vms if item["name"] == "W10-L-2021-03-19-17-27")

I had Packer create a snapshot and I can get that in a similar way

base_snapshots = external.get_base_snapshots(vcenter_id=vcid, base_vm_id=base_vm["id"])
base_snapshot = next(item for item in base_snapshots if item["name"] == "Created by Packer")

I get the current time in epoch using the time module (google is your best friend to define a moment in the future in epoch)

current_time = time.time()

For this example I add all the arguments but if you don’t change fromt he defaults that’s not needed

inventory.desktop_pool_push_image(desktop_pool_id=poolid,parent_vm_id=basevmid,snapshot_id=snapid, start_time=current_time, add_virtual_tpm=False, stop_on_first_error=False, logoff_policy="FORCE_LOGOFF")

And closing the connection


and when I now look at my desktop pool it’s pushing the new image

I have created a new folder on Github for examples and the script to deploy new images is the first example. I did move a couple of the names to variables so make ie better usable. You can find it here. Or see the code below this.

import requests, getpass, urllib, time
import vmware_horizon


url                     = ""
desktop_pool_name       = "Pod02-Pool01"
base_vm_name            = "W10-L-2021-03-19-17-27"
snapshot_name           = "Snap_2"

username = input("Username\n")
domain = input("Domain\n")
pw = getpass.getpass()

hvconnectionobj = vmware_horizon.Connection(username = username,domain = domain,password = pw,url = url)
monitor = obj=vmware_horizon.Monitor(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)
external=vmware_horizon.External(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)
inventory=vmware_horizon.Inventory(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)

desktop_pool = next(item for item in desktop_pools if item["name"] == desktop_pool_name)

vcenters = monitor.virtual_centers()
vcid = vcenters[0]["id"]
dcs = external.get_datacenters(vcenter_id=vcid)
dcid = dcs[0]["id"]

base_vms = external.get_base_vms(vcenter_id=vcid,datacenter_id=dcid,filter_incompatible_vms=True)
base_vm = next(item for item in base_vms if item["name"] == base_vm_name)

base_snapshots = external.get_base_snapshots(vcenter_id=vcid, base_vm_id=base_vm["id"])
base_snapshot = next(item for item in base_snapshots if item["name"] == snapshot_name)

current_time = time.time()
inventory.desktop_pool_push_image(desktop_pool_id=poolid,parent_vm_id=basevmid,snapshot_id=snapid, start_time=current_time)




Quickly grabbing all available REST api url’s for your Horizon version

One of the challenges with the Horizon REST API’s is that they are not feature complete yet and if you ain’t on the latest version you need to scroll trough the api explorer or Swagger UI to find if the URL you need is available. I have created a short script for both python and powershell that will show all the available urls.

If you’ve taken a good look at the Swagger page you’ll see there’s a link to the api docs almost at the top

If you open this you get something that looks like a json but it’s not readable (yet!)

Let’s grab the url’s with powershell first

$data = Invoke-WebRequest
$json = $data |ConvertFrom-Json

this will give you all the available url’s from the docs and the methods they support

Now if you want to drill down deeper you can do a select -expandproperty on the url’s and with a get-member you get the available calls

$json.paths | select -expandproperty "/inventory/v1/rds-servers/{id}" | Get-Member

and with another select -expandproperty you see all the details

$json.paths | select -expandproperty "/inventory/v1/rds-servers/{id}" | select -ExpandProperty get

With Python you can start with something similar

import json,requests,urllib 
response = requests.get("" , verify=False) 
data = response.json() 
for i in data["paths"]: 

but this will just give the url’s

To be able to drill down I decided to bring the url, method and the description into a list and print that if needed. This example is just with the method and url but you can add the description as well. The list is to make it easier to filter on.

import json,requests,urllib
response = requests.get("" , verify=False)

data = response.json()


for i in paths:
    for method in paths[i]:
        obj = {}
        obj["method"] = method
        obj["url"] = i
        obj["description"] = paths[i][method]

for i in list:
    print(i["method"], i["url"])

Managing application pools using the VMware Horizon Python Module

Earlier this week I added several methods to the VMware Horizon Python Module that are centered about application pools and I promised a blog post so here it is 🙂 In the module we have the following methods in the Inventory about Application Pools:


In order to use the methods I am using this as standard configuration in my script

import requests, getpass, urllib, json, operator
import vmware_horizon

username = "m_wouter"
domain = "loft.lab"
pw = getpass.getpass()

hvconnectionobj = vmware_horizon.Connection(username = username,domain = domain,password = pw,url = url)
monitor = obj=vmware_horizon.Monitor(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)
external=vmware_horizon.External(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)
inventory=vmware_horizon.Inventory(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)
entitlements=vmware_horizon.Entitlements(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)

All of the connects at the bottom is so I don’t need to think to do those if I need them when testing.

I end with


Both the connected and end prints aren’t required at all but give me feedback about the status of the connection.

[sta_anchor id=”get_application_pools” /]


This is the easiest method to use as it doesn’t require anything. It does allow for setting page sizes and filtering if needed. See this article if you want to know more about filtering: The method will return a list of dicts, for the first example I will show only the names of the items.

ap = inventory.get_application_pools(maxpagesize=100)
for i in ap:

Or just with the entire list returned

ap = inventory.get_application_pools(maxpagesize=100)

[sta_anchor id=”get_application_pool” /]


To get a single application pool you can use get_application_pool and it requires an application_pool_id, I will use the first one of the list of application to show it.

ap = inventory.get_application_pools(maxpagesize=100)

[sta_anchor id=”delete_application_pool” /]


To delete an application pool we again only need the application_pool_id I will combine both the get methods to show all application pools before and after the deletion. (with some prints not relevant for the code so I won’t show them below)

ap = inventory.get_application_pools(maxpagesize=100)
for i in ap:



ap = inventory.get_application_pools(maxpagesize=100)
for i in ap:

[sta_anchor id=”new_application_pool” /]


Since I just deleted my firefox pool I will need to recreate it. The new_application_pool method requires a dict with quite a lof of values. This is the standard list that the swagger-ui gives you

  "anti_affinity_data": {
    "anti_affinity_count": 10,
    "anti_affinity_patterns": [
  "category_folder_name": "dir1\\dir2\\dir3\\dir4",
  "cs_restriction_tags": [
  "description": "string",
  "desktop_pool_id": "0103796c-102b-4ed3-953f-3dfe3d23e0fe",
  "display_name": "Firefox",
  "enable_client_restrictions": false,
  "enable_pre_launch": false,
  "enabled": true,
  "executable_path": "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Firefox.lnk",
  "farm_id": "855ea6c5-720a-41e1-96f4-958c90e6e424",
  "max_multi_sessions": 5,
  "multi_session_mode": "DISABLED",
  "name": "Firefox",
  "parameters": "-p myprofile",
  "publisher": "Mozilla Corporation",
  "shortcut_locations": [
  "start_folder": "string",
  "supported_file_types_data": {
    "enable_auto_update_file_types": true,
    "enable_auto_update_other_file_types": true,
    "file_types": [
        "description": "Firefox Document",
        "type": ".html"
    "other_file_types": [
        "description": "Firefox URL",
        "name": "https",
        "type": "URL"
  "version": "72.0.2"

This does not say that all of these are required, what I have found to be an easy way to find what the minimums are is to  create an application pool with a single key value pair. display_name is always required so I will use that one. Experience has learned that this might require several tries so let’s go.

new_app_pool = {}
new_app_pool["display_name"] = "Firefox"


So the first hard requirements are display_name, executable_path and name, let’s add these and see what happens

new_app_pool = {}
new_app_pool["display_name"] = "Firefox"
new_app_pool["name"] = "Firefox"
new_app_pool["executable_path"] = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Firefox.lnk"


It looks like we actually need some more: at least desktop_pool_id or farm_id since I am doing this against a connection server with no farms I’ll use a desktop pool.

desktop_pools = inventory.get_desktop_pools()
firstpool = desktop_pools[0]

new_app_pool = {}
new_app_pool["display_name"] = "Firefox"
new_app_pool["name"] = "Firefox"
new_app_pool["executable_path"] = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Firefox.lnk"
new_app_pool["desktop_pool_id"] = firstpool["id"]


No errors and a peak in the admin console shows me that I again have a firefox application

[sta_anchor id=”update_application_pool” /]


To update the pools we need the application_pool_id and again a dict, this time the dict needs things we want to update. Experience again learned me there are a few required key value pairs while the example in the swagger-ui shows lots, so let’s find those. I am going to use my new firefox app as the source for this. What I actually am going to try to change is the display_name so I will use that as the first key value pair.

filter = {}
filter["type"] = "And"
filter["filters"] = []

filter1["type"] = "Equals"
filter1["name"] = "name"
filter1["value"] = "Firefox"
ap = (inventory.get_application_pools(filter=filter))[0]
appid = ap["id"]
update_app = {}
update_app["display_name"] = "FF2"
inventory.update_application_pool(application_pool_id=appid, application_pool_data=update_app)

So here different key value pairs are required than when creating a new application pool, strange but there is nothing I can do about it! I will add these from the ap object I retrieve earlier in the script.

aps = inventory.get_application_pools(maxpagesize=100)
for i in aps:
filter = {}
filter["type"] = "And"
filter["filters"] = []

filter1["type"] = "Equals"
filter1["name"] = "name"
filter1["value"] = "Firefox"
ap = (inventory.get_application_pools(filter=filter))[0]
appid = ap["id"]
update_app = {}
update_app["display_name"] = "FF2"
update_app["executable_path"] = ap["executable_path"]
update_app["multi_session_mode"] = ap["multi_session_mode"]
update_app["enable_pre_launch"] = ap["enable_pre_launch"]

inventory.update_application_pool(application_pool_id=appid, application_pool_data=update_app)

aps = inventory.get_application_pools(maxpagesize=100)
for i in aps:

So with that you have the basics to retrieve, create, update and delete application pools using python

Filtering/Searching and pagination with the Python module for VMware Horizon

Yesterday I added the first method to the VMware Horizon Python module that makes use of filtering while the day before that I added pagination. VMware{Code} has a document describing available options for both but let me give some explanation.


Pagination is where you perform a query but only get an x amount of objects returned by default. The rest of the objects are available on the next page or pages. This is exactly what I ran into with the vmware.hv.helper Powershell module a long time ago. With the REST api’s this is rather easy to add since if there are more pages/objects left the headers will contain a key named HAS_MORE_RECORDS. For all the methods that I add where pagination is supported you don’t need to handle this though as I have added it to the method itself. What I did add was the option the change the maximum page size. I default to 100 and the maximum is 1000, if you supply an interrupt higher than 1000 this will be corrected to 1000.


Filtering needs some more work from the user of the module to be able to use it.

What options are there for filtering?

For the type we have: And, Or and Not

For the filters themselves there are: Equals, NotEquals, Contains, StartsWith and Between.

The formula is you pick one from the first row and combine that with one or more from the second row.

To apply these the document describes the base schema like this:

    “type”: ”And”,
    “filter”: <filter object>

and a filter object looks like this:


or this for a range:


Combining both into a single object looks like this:

    "filter": {

This all looks like a dictionary with a nested dictionary when translating it to Python but when you have multiple filters it suddenly looks like this:

  "filters": [

otherwise know as a dictionary with a list of dictionaries in it and since the latter also works with a single dict inside the list I have taken that route. The document also describes encoding and minifying the code to it works for a REST api call but I have done all of that for you so no need to worry about it, just build the dictionary and you are good!

Now let’s actually perform a search

First I create my base object with the type AND and a list for the filters key

filter_dict = {}
filter_dict["type"] = "And"
filter_dict["filters"] = []

Next I create the filters object where the type is contains and I filter on the field name with the value LP-00

filter1["type"] = "Contains"
filter1["name"] = "name"
filter1["value"] = "LP-00"

And now I add the filters1 object to the filter_dict filters list


and I get the machines with a pagesize of 1 to show the pagination (the pool with these machines only has 2 😉 )

machines = obj.get_machines(maxpagesize=1, filter = filter_dict)

And this would be the entire python script

import requests, getpass, urllib, json
import vmware_horizon


username = "m_wouter"
domain = "loft.lab"
pw = getpass.getpass()

hvconnectionobj = vmware_horizon.Connection(username = username,domain = domain,password = pw,url = url)

obj = vmware_horizon.Inventory(url=hvconnectionobj.url, access_token=hvconnectionobj.access_token)

filter_dict = {}
filter_dict["type"] = "And"
filter_dict["filters"] = []
filter1["type"] = "Contains"
filter1["name"] = "name"
filter1["value"] = "LP-00"


machines = obj.get_machines(maxpagesize=1, filter = filter_dict)

for i in machines:


And it shows this in python:

Using the Horizon REST API’s with Python

As you probably have seen from my tweets the last three weeks I have been doing the 100DaysOfCode challenge specifically for Python. Today I was actually a bit bored with the task we got (sorry, I hate creating games) so I decided on checking if I was actually able to consume the Horizon api’s from Python. This was something entirely new for me so it was a boatload of trial & error until I got it working with this script:

import requests,json, getpass


pw = getpass.getpass()
domain = input("Domain")
username = input("Username")
url = input("URL")

headers = {
    'accept': '*/*',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

data = {"domain": domain, "password": pw, "username": username}
json_data = json.dumps(data)

response ='{url}/rest/login', verify=False, headers=headers, data=json_data)
data = response.json()

access_token = {
    'accept': '*/*',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + data['access_token']

response = requests.get(f'{url}/rest/inventory/v1/desktop-pools', verify=False,  headers=access_token)
data = response.json()
for i in data:

First I import the requests json and getpass modules. The requests module does the webrequests, the json is used to transform the data to be usable and getpass is used to get my password without showing it. After this I add a line to get rid of the warnings that my certificates aren’t to be trusted (it’s a homelab, duh!).

The most important part is that for the authentication I send username,password and domain as json data in the data while the headers contain the content type. The response gets converted to json data and I use that json data to build the access token. For future requests I only need to pass the access token for authentication.

Now this looks fun but wouldn’t it be better if I create a module for it? Yes it does and that’s what I have done and I have even added a simple function to list desktop pools.

import json, requests, ssl

class Connection:
    def hv_connect(username, password, domain, url):
        headers = {
            'accept': '*/*',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',

        data = {"domain": domain, "password": password, "username": username}
        json_data = json.dumps(data)

        response ='{url}/rest/login', verify=False, headers=headers, data=json_data)
        data = response.json()

        access_token = {
            'accept': '*/*',
            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + data['access_token']
        return access_token

    def hv_disconnect(url, access_token):'{url}/rest/logout', verify=False, headers=access_token)

class Pools:
    def list_hvpools(url,access_token):
        response = requests.get(f'{url}/rest/inventory/v1/desktop-pools', verify=False,  headers=access_token)
        return response.json()

And with a simple script I consume this module to show the display name of the first pool.

import requests, getpass
import vmware_horizon

url = input("URL\n")
username = input("Username\n")
domain = input("Domain\n")
pw = getpass.getpass()

at = vmware_horizon.Connection.hv_connect(username=username,password=pw,url=url,domain=domain)

pools = vmware_horizon.Pools.list_hvpools(url=url, access_token=at)
print(f'The first Desktop pool is {pools[0]["display_name"]}')

vmware_horizon.Connection.hv_disconnect(url=url, access_token=at)

The module is from from ready and I need to find a better way to make it optional to ignore the certificate erros but if you want to follow the progress of the module it can be found on my Github.



[HorizonAPI] Disabling Provisioning and/or disabling entire Desktop Pools and RDS Farms

Today I saw the question on the VMware{Code} Slack Channel if anyone ever managed to disabled Desktop Pools using PowerCLI. I was like yeah I have done that and you might need to user the helperservice for that. I offered to create q fast and quick blog post about it so here we go.

First as always I connect to my Connection Server and use a query to retrieve the Pool that I am going to disable.

$creds=import-clixml creds.xml
$hvserver=connect-hvserver -Credential $creds
$poolqueryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$pooldefn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -Property @{ 'memberName' = ''; 'value' = "Pod01_Pool01" }
$pool = ($poolqueryService.QueryService_Create($hvservice, $pooldefn)).results

With this object I can show you the details of the desktop pool


Like I said to actually change things I need the helper service so this is what you do to initialize that.

$desktopservice=new-object vmware.hv.DesktopService
$desktophelper=$$HVservice, $
$desktophelper.getdesktopsettingshelper() | gm

As we saw in the second screenshot I need the desktopsettings and than Enabled


To change the setting in the helper I need to use sethelper($False)


Now this has not been changed yet on the desktop pool itself, to do that we need to use desktopservice.update and I also show the result of the change.

$desktopservice.update($hvservice, $desktophelper)

And to reverse this

$desktopservice.update($hvservice, $desktophelper)

Disabling provisioning uses the same methodology just in another spot.

To disable provisioning ( the | gm is not needed, it’s just there to show you whats’s in there):

$desktophelper.getAutomatedDesktopDataHelper().getVirtualCenterProvisioningSettingsHelper() | gm
$desktopservice.update($hvservice, $desktophelper)

And to revert it

$desktopservice.update($hvservice, $desktophelper)

For RDSH farms the process is similar some of the naming is just different. First to get the farm object

$farmqueryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$farmdefn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -Property @{ 'memberName' = ''; 'value' = "Pod01-Farm01" }
$farm = ($farmqueryservice.QueryService_Create($hvservice, $farmdefn)).results

And to create the helper and disable the farm

$farmservice=New-Object VMware.Hv.FarmService

And in reverse 🙂


And now the provisioning part


Guess what?


[HorizonAPI] Getting started with the Horizon REST api

Until now all of my blogging about the Horizon api’s was about consuming the SOAP api using PowerCLI. Since a couple of releases Horizon also has a REST api and since 7.12 we are also able to change some settings using that. So now it’s time for me to dive into the Horizon REST api’s. I will consume them using Powershell since I am the most comfortable using that but you can use whatever method you prefer..

The REST api is just like the soap api documented at the VMware{CODE} api explorer.

First of all we need to create an accesstoken, we can do this by using some code that I simply stole from Andrew Morgan because why would I re-invent the wheel? From his git repository I grabbed three basic functions: get-HRHeader, Open-HRConnection and close-hrconnection. there’s also a refresh-hrconnection but I won’t need that for now.

function Get-HRHeader(){
    return @{
        'Authorization' = 'Bearer ' + $($accessToken.access_token)
        'Content-Type' = "application/json"

function Open-HRConnection(){
        [string] $username,
        [string] $password,
        [string] $domain,
        [string] $url

    $Credentials = New-Object psobject -Property @{
        username = $username
        password = $password
        domain = $domain

    return invoke-restmethod -Method Post -uri "$url/rest/login" -ContentType "application/json" -Body ($Credentials | ConvertTo-Json)

function Close-HRConnection(){
    return Invoke-RestMethod -Method post -uri "$url/rest/logout" -ContentType "application/json" -Body ($accessToken | ConvertTo-Json)
$accessToken = Open-HRConnection -username $username -password $password -domain $Domain -url $url

But we can’t do anything with only these functions, somehow we also need to supply username and password

$url = read-host -prompt "Connection server url"
$username = read-host -prompt "Username"
$password = read-host -prompt "Password" -AsSecureString
$Domain = read-host -Prompt "Domain"

$BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password)
$UnsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)

(I am grabbing it from the command line here but when I run the scripts I have my creds hardcoded to make my life for the duration of this blog post a bit easier)

Next up is actually getting some data. The first thing that I wil do is show the connection servers. This can be done with the following API call. The part after -uri “$url/rest/ is what you can find int he api explorer. The method is the method also shown in the api explorer.

Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -uri "$url/rest/monitor/connection-servers" -ContentType "application/json" -Headers (Get-HRHeader -accessToken $accessToken)

and the result:

Since one of the few things that you can already change using the rest api’s are the general settings I will take those as the next example

Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -uri "$url/rest/config/v1/settings" -ContentType "application/json" -Headers (Get-HRHeader -accessToken $accessToken)

This works but I can’t say that it’s really usable. Now this is not the first time I do something with REST api’s (haven’t done it a lot though to be honest) so I know this can easily be converted to json to make it visible. What I will do is that I put it in a variable first.

$settings=Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -uri "$url/rest/config/v1/settings" -ContentType "application/json" -Headers (Get-HRHeader -accessToken $accessToken)
$settings | ConvertTo-Json

Now this DOES look usable! Let’s take a look what is under general_settings


Let’s say I want to change the forced logoff message

$settings.general_settings.forced_logoff_message="Get lost, the Bastard Operator From Hell is here."

Now my variable has the change but I need to send this to the server. This can be done using a put method and the settings variable has to be added as json. The second line is to pull the new settings from my connection server showing it directly in a json format.


Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -uri "$url/rest/config/v1/settings" -ContentType "application/json" -Headers (Get-HRHeader -accessToken $accessToken) -body ($settings | ConvertTo-Json)
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -uri "$url/rest/config/v1/settings" -ContentType "application/json" -Headers (Get-HRHeader -accessToken $accessToken) | ConvertTo-Json

and in the admin interface:

That’s it for my 1ste blog post about the horizon REST api’s hopefully it’s useful! Below is an example of the script that I used.

$url = read-host -prompt "Connection server url" 
$username = read-host -prompt "Username" 
$password = read-host -prompt "Password" -AsSecureString 
$Domain = read-host -Prompt "Domain" 

#$BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password) 
#$UnsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)

function Get-HRHeader(){
    return @{
        'Authorization' = 'Bearer ' + $($accessToken.access_token)
        'Content-Type' = "application/json"
function Open-HRConnection(){
        [string] $username,
        [string] $password,
        [string] $domain,
        [string] $url

    $Credentials = New-Object psobject -Property @{
        username = $username
        password = $password
        domain = $domain

    return invoke-restmethod -Method Post -uri "$url/rest/login" -ContentType "application/json" -Body ($Credentials | ConvertTo-Json)

function Close-HRConnection(){
    return Invoke-RestMethod -Method post -uri "$url/rest/logout" -ContentType "application/json" -Body ($accessToken | ConvertTo-Json)

$accessToken = Open-HRConnection -username $username -password $password -domain $Domain -url $url

Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -uri "$url/rest/monitor/connection-servers" -ContentType "application/json" -Headers (Get-HRHeader -accessToken $accessToken)