[Update 23-04-2020]Adding vCenter server to Horizon View using the api’s


I don’t know since what version but somewhere this script stopped working because VMware change some things. In 7.8 there was a change about the thumbprint algorithm to DER_BASE64_PEM so it might have started there. Another change is that in the sslcertthumbprint field they stopped using the thumbprint but actually add the entire certificate.

What is needed to fix this?




$spec.CertificateOverride.sslCertThumbprintAlgorithm = "DER_BASE64_PEM"

and you should be good. I have already updated the version of the script below.

A big thank you to Mark Brookfield for asking me about this


Yesterday Sean Massey (https://thevirtualhorizon.com/) asked me if it was possible to add a vCenter server + some other things to Horizon View using the api’s. With a quick look at the api explorer I confirmed this should be possible. The other things he asked I will put in a separate blogpost.

It looks like a simple matter of building the spec and I should be good. In the end it turned out to be a bit more work then expected. Some items are not required according to the api explorer but should at least be called in the spec (set them to something empty) while others can safely be left away. The automatic generated ssl certs in my lab also turned out to be a pita. First I copied them from a current spec and later I downloaded the certificate on the Connection server itself and read that cert. Andrew Morgan (http://andrewmorgan.ie/)from VMware helped me out with this by showing their internal script that they use. It turned out that except for the SSL certs I was on the right path. As usual I will add this functionality to the vmware.hv.helper but since that might take a while I decided to create a useful script

$hvServer = $global:DefaultHVServers[0]
$services=  $hvServer.ExtensionData

# Create required objects

$spec=new-object VMware.Hv.VirtualCenterSpec
$spec.serverspec=new-object vmware.hv.serverspec
$spec.viewComposerData=new-object VMware.Hv.virtualcenterViewComposerData

$spec.Certificateoverride=new-object vmware.hv.CertificateThumbprint
$spec.limits=new-object VMware.Hv.VirtualCenterConcurrentOperationLimits
$spec.storageAcceleratorData=new-object VMware.Hv.virtualcenterStorageAcceleratorData

# vCenter Server specs

$spec.ServerSpec.servername="pod2vcr1.loft.lab"        # Required, fqdn for the vCenter server
$spec.ServerSpec.port=443                                 # Required
$spec.ServerSpec.usessl=$true                             # Required
$spec.ServerSpec.username="administrator@vsphere.local"   # Required user@domain
$vcpassword=read-host "vCenter User password?" -assecurestring
$temppw = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($vcPassword)
$PlainvcPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($temppw)
$vcencPassword = New-Object VMware.Hv.SecureString
$enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$vcencPassword.Utf8String = $enc.GetBytes($PlainvcPassword)

# Description & Displayname, neither is required to be set

#$spec.description="description"              # Not Required
#$spec.displayname="virtualcenterdisplayname" # Not Required
$spec.CertificateOverride.sslCertThumbprintAlgorithm = "DER_BASE64_PEM"

# Limits
# Only change when you want to change the default values. It is required to set these in the spec


# Storage Accelerator data

#$spec.StorageAcceleratorData.DefaultCacheSizeMB=1024   # Not Required

# Cmposer
# most can be left empty but they need to be set otherwise you'll get a xml error

$spec.ViewComposerData.viewcomposertype="STANDALONE"  # DISABLED for none, LOCAL_TO_VC for installed with the vcenter and STANDALONE for s standalone composer

if ($spec.ViewComposerData.viewcomposertype -ne "DISABLED"){
    $spec.ViewComposerData.ServerSpec=new-object vmware.hv.serverspec
    $spec.ViewComposerData.CertificateOverride=new-object VMware.Hv.CertificateThumbprint
    $cmppassword=read-host "Composer user password?" -assecurestring
    $temppw = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($cmpPassword)
    $PlaincmpPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($temppw)
    $cmpencPassword = New-Object VMware.Hv.SecureString
    $enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
    $cmpencPassword.Utf8String = $enc.GetBytes($PlaincmpPassword)

    $spec.ViewComposerData.CertificateOverride.sslCertThumbprint = ($services.Certificate.Certificate_Validate($spec.ViewComposerData.ServerSpec)).certificate
    $spec.ViewComposerData.CertificateOverride.sslCertThumbprintAlgorithm = "DER_BASE64_PEM"

# Disk reclamation, this is required to be set to either $false or $true

# This will create the connection


Looking at the output it will only ask for the vCenter user’s password and if a Composer server is set for that user’s password.


Generating a clean Host Profile using PowerCLI

First of all: I love Host Profiles! But they’re easy to mess up as well, leave something selected related to hardware and an update in ESXi, vib’s or even a firmware update might break it. For a customer where we are going to do the entire vSphere build from scratch I got the idea to generate an empty Host Profile and extend that one using scripting. At first I though this would be an easy thing but it definitely isn’t, a reply from PowerCLI guru Luc Dekens at the VMware{Code} forums set me on the right path to do so. Luc’s remark that editing Host Profiles might take some reverse engineering for the lack of documentation is a huge understatement. It has cost me many many hours to build the script below.

I strongly recommend having the reference host as clean as possible.

These are the steps the script takes

  1. connect to vCenter
  2. extract a new Host Profile
  3. Gets the new Host Profile
  4. Copies all members of the new Host Profile to an object that can be edited
  5. Sets everything that I could find in my environment to false
  6. Updates the Host Profile with the edited object

Required parameters

  • vCenter
    • Your vCenter host
  • Referencehost
    • the name of the host in vCenter
  • Hostprofilename
    • Name for the Host Profile

There are also a couple of optional parameters:

  • dnshost
    • It’s mandatory to have a DNS set in the defaulttcpipstack. With this parameter you can change this.
  • domainname
    • Like DNS it’s mandatory to have a domainname set in the defaulttcpipstack. With this parameter you can change this
  • Cleanup
    • This one defaults to false but can be set to true. It will remove all NFS Datastores, vmkernel ports, portgroups, device aliases and direct i/o profiles.
    • Use this one with care, if you apply it to a host it will most probably remove all networking details for that host making it unusable.

This is how a manual extracted Host Profile looks

This is how a Host Profile looks after using my script without the cleanup option, everything is deselected but the device aliases for example are kept.

.\create_clean_hostprofile.ps1 -vcenter vCenter -Hostprofilename demo_no_cleanup -referencehost hostname

And this is how it looks with the cleanup used.

.\create_clean_hostprofile.ps1 -vcenter vCenter -Hostprofilename demo_no_cleanup -referencehost hostname -cleanup $true

The script itself can be found on Github as well:

# Generates a clean Host Profile
# Build using PowerCLI 11
# Version 1.0
# 17-08-2019
# Created by: Wouter Kursten
# Website: https://www.retouw.nl

[Parameter()][bool]$Cleanup = $false

# I grabbed this function somewhere from an example by Luc Dekens
function Copy-Property ($From, $To, $PropertyName ="*"){
    foreach ($p in Get-Member -In $From -MemberType Property -Name $propertyName){
        trap {
            Add-Member -In $To -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $p.Name -Value $From.$($p.Name) -Force
    $To.$($P.Name) = $From.$($P.Name)

#connect to the vCenter
connect-viserver $vcenter

# This deletes any existing Host Profile with the same name as we're using in this script
get-vmhostprofile -name $Hostprofilename  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-VMHostProfile -Confirm:$false

# This creates a new Host Profile from the referencehost
new-vmhostprofile -name $Hostprofilename -referencehost $referencehost

# Retrieves the newly created Host Profile
$hp = Get-VMHostProfile -Name $Hostprofilename

# Creates the spec where the cleanup is done
$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostProfileCompleteConfigSpec

# Copies all properties of the new Host Profile to the spec
Copy-Property -From $hp.ExtensionData.Config -To $spec

# This removes everything that could be specific to the referencehost
if ($cleanup -eq $true){
    ($spec.ApplyProfile.Property | where-object {$_.PropertyName -like "*DeviceAlias*"}).profile=$null
    ($spec.ApplyProfile.Property | where-object {$_.PropertyName -like "*PCI*"}).profile.property.profile=$null

# From here it's just disabling of items except for:
# -items under storage> PSA Configuration (profiles are removed)
# -Properties of the fixed DNS config (set to the default values from this scripts parameters)

foreach ($o in $spec.applyprofile.Option){
    if ($o.Enabled){

foreach ($p in $spec.ApplyProfile.Property.Profile){
    if ($p.Enabled){
    foreach ($pa in $p.Property.Profile){
            if ($pa.Enabled){
        foreach ($paa in $pa.Property.Profile){
                if ($paa.Enabled){

foreach ($s in $spec.ApplyProfile.Storage.Nasstorage){
    if ($s.Enabled){
    foreach ($sa in $s){
        if ($sa.Enabled){

foreach ($s in $spec.ApplyProfile.Storage.Property.Profile){
    if ($s.Enabled){

    if ($s.ProfileTypeName -eq "psa_psaProfile_PluggableStorageArchitectureProfile" -AND $cleanup -eq $true){
        foreach ($sa in $s.property){
            if ($sa.propertyname -like "*psa_psaProfile_PsaDevice*"){
    foreach ($sa in $s.Property.Profile){
        if ($sa.Enabled){
        foreach ($saa in $sa.Property.Profile){
            if ($saa.Enabled){

foreach ($f in $spec.ApplyProfile.Firewall.ruleset){
    if ($f.Enabled){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.vswitch){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n){
        if ($na.Enabled){
        foreach ($naa in $na.link){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.NumPorts){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.NetworkPolicy){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.pnic){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n){
        if ($na.Enabled){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.VmPortGroup){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n){
        if ($na.Enabled){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Vlan){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Vswitch){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.NetworkPolicy){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.HostPortGroup){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n){
        if ($na.Enabled){
        foreach ($naa in $na.IpConfig){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Vlan){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Vswitch){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.NetworkPolicy){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.Property.Profile){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n.Property.Profile){
        if ($na.Enabled){
        foreach ($np in $na.policy.policyoption){
            if ($np.id -eq "FixedDnsConfig"){
                foreach ($npp in $np.parameter){
                    if ($dnshost){
                        if ($npp.key -eq "address") {
                    if ($domainname){
                        if ($npp.key -eq "domainName"){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Property.Profile){
            if ($naa.Enabled){
            foreach ($naaa in $naa.Property.Profile){
                if ($naaa.Enabled){

(Get-VMHostProfile $Hostprofilename).ExtensionData.Updatehostprofile($spec)
disconnect-viserver $vcenter -confirm:$False

And yes that’s a lot of foreach’s.